
We are proud to say this is our 63rd  year of successful, continuous operation under the same family management since we started our business in 1952.  We are one of the oldest and leading direct importers serving the tourist and recreation industries internationally.

During this time we have worked hard to earn and keep our excellent reputation for DEPENDABLE, FAST Service at very COMPETITIVE PRICES.


You can contact us at:

2424 Schuetz Rd.
St. Louis, MO  63043

Phone:  314-991-8776
Toll Free:  1-800-325-0889
Fax:  1-800-325-0889

President:  Mark Sobelman
Vice- President: Steven Sobelman
Orders Manager:  Faye Fairy
Custom Orders:  Sandra Sobelman
Webmaster:  Betz Messingham
Art Director:  Andrew Aker
Warehouse Crew:  Erma Jean, Slim & David


Thank you for the opportunity to SERVE YOU and we look forward to working with you.